Eva Weaver
author & coach

Writing from the Body
a powerful 12-week online embodied creative writing adventure!
Join me on this powerful adventure and unlock your creativity.
Over 12 weeks you will learn potent, innovative tools to find your authentic voice.
We will meet as a group online to tap into the stories of our bodies, release resistance, and write inspired by our discoveries.
I am so excited to offer this expanded programme following the success in recent years of Writing From The Body online and in person. Participant feedback has been invaluable in designing this course. You asked, and here it is!
Writing From The Body is a powerful methodology that can revolutionise the way you write and relate to yourself!
Click Here to book your spot now or continue below for more information or use the buttons to navigate.
You've been writing from your mind,
now write from your body!

You are interested in your connection with your body and how you express yourself creatively
You want to feel more empowered and alive!
You desire exploring your creativity in new and adventurous ways with opportunity to tap into your passion and wisdom
You would like or welcome being encouraged on this journey and sharing with a group of like-minded people
You want to consciously tune into your body with support, guidance, and like-minded people and use movement, breath work, and somatic exercises to cultivate embodied writing

"Write your self. Your body must be heard." Helen Cixous
Our bodies hold stories and memories. Everything we have ever experienced, thought, or felt lives in our blood, our bones, muscles, cells, our very DNA.
How do we tap into this rich round for inspiration and authentic, original writing? How can we write from our whole being rather than just the mind?
Put simply, how do we write from the body?
If you are interested, curious, or relieved that someone is answering these questions, then join Writing From The Body. The course is open to all genders and abilities. No experience in creative writing or being present in the body necessary. All exercises can be adapted to any ability.
Click Here to book now or continue below for more information or use the buttons to navigate.
We will listen deeply to the stories our bodies hold and move effortlessly between movement and the page and back. We will play with automatic/stream of consciousness writing, prompts, and themed writing. You will learn how to set up momentum with writing and drop into flow.
This expanded Writing from The Body programme costs £888 for 12 live session plus all materials and a one to one coaching session. AND... you can repeat the course (you then only pay £150 for the coaching session and admin fee). You can repeat it as often as you like (I will run it twice a year)
Payment plans are available, please email me directly.
12 live sessions via zoom with live writing and working with the Writing from the Body methodology, in an intimate group of 12 max companions
Suggested homework/play and recordings of the content and exercises to download if you miss a session
One hour (60 mins) individual online coaching session with Eva you can take at any time throughout the 12-week programme and up to a month afterwards, to use however you like, such as to talk about a writing project, how to begin, any aspect of writing or to process any course content
An intro to each week's session and accompanying resources
All video lessons and audios for you to keep
All course materials including the beautiful Writing from the Body e-workbook with lots of info on theory, background to each module, many writing prompts, home-play suggestions and an extensive resource list
An opportunity to meet in a small ally & accountability groups (or a pair) in between sessions
Access to the private Facebook community group throughout the course and afterwards
Two more e-books: *’The Essence of WILD WRITING’ & ’Ten ways how WRITING FROM THE BODY can support your writing'
Access to one 4-week course for FREE in the WILD WRITE COMMUNITY (Tuesday 10-12 am UK time)
AND...you can repeat the whole 12-week course again in the next round, Autumn 2025 for a fee of £180 (which includes another coaching session and admin fee)